2010년 4월 14일 수요일

What I love...

April already came here.

Oh! New month

New name..

New Jerusalem..

New song..

New heaven and New earth..

They are what I love most^^

2010년 3월 4일 목요일

Mother's love that has been hiden.

Mother's love that has been hiden through all ages

Our mother's love is great so that the universe can not compare.

As we can never numerate how many stars are in the galaxy

we can not count how many tears our holy mother shed for us

o new Jerusalem our mother

Please, accept our praise and honor and worship

forever and ever

2010년 2월 4일 목요일

Heavenly Mother

The Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.
In the Bible, God is referred to through plural terms instead of singular terms, and it is written that God has a male image and a female image.
Therefore, God exists in the male image and in the female image.
Have you ever thought about why we call God our Father?
It is written that God's invisible qualities have been clearly seen and can be understood through what has been made (Rom. 1:20).
Is there any creature that is given life through only their father, alone, without a mother being present? We need to study this matter carefully.

The Children of Promise

The Bible calls us "the children of promise."
Gal. 4:28 『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』
Then, what promise did God make to those who are called the children of promise?
God promised them eternal life.

1 John 2:25 『And this is what he promised us?even eternal life.』
How is eternal life given to us?
The Bible says that all things were created by God's will (Rev. 4:11).
Among all of the many creatures that God has created, let us focus on the mothers.
Since it is written that God created all things by His will, a certain will of God was expressed when He created mothers on this earth.
As you know, all creatures have a mother figure.
There is not a single creature that can come into existence without a mother.
Our physical life is given to us through our physical mother.
For 280 days, a baby's hands, feet, eyes and ears form within his mother's womb.
When the time comes, the mother will give birth to her child, shedding blood.

We are given life through our mother's great pain.
How about our spiritual life? Just as our physical life was given to us through our physical mother, our spiritual life is given to us through our spiritual Mother.
The Bible clearly testifies that our heavenly Mother exists, and that only our heavenly Mother can give us eternal life.

God’s Two Images

Let us study through the Bible to discover the existence of our spiritual Mother.

Gen. 1:26-27 『Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.』
The above verse states that God has two images?a male image and a female image.
Until now, we have only known and called upon the male image of God: “Father.”
Then how should we call upon the female image of God?
Logically, we should refer to God’s female image as “Mother.”
This is why God had said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.”
The word “us” is a plural term.

“Elohim,” the Hebrew word used in place of “God” in Genesis 1:26, directly translates to “Gods,” the plural form of the word “God.” Therefore, the references to “us” in the book of Genesis refer to God the Father and God the Mother.

Some say that the word “us” in this verse indicates God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
If this argument is correct, there should be three types of people in the world?
those who were made in the image of God the Father, those who resemble the image of God the Son, and those created in the image of the Holy Spirit.
However, on this earth there are only two types of people: men and women.
However, the “Gods” mentioned in Genesis 1:26 are the male image of God and the female image of God?
God the Father and God the Mother.

The Will of God in Creating Eve, Adam’s Wife

Let us study more truth regarding the heavenly Mother through the character Adam, written in the book of Romans.

Rom. 5:14 『...Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.』
Since the book of Romans was written after Jesus had already ascended, the “one to come” mentioned in the above verse indicates the Second Coming Jesus.
Adam was created to lead us to the Second Coming Jesus.
Then, what was God’s will in creating Eve, Adam’s wife?

Gen. 2:21 『So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.』

Gen. 3:20 『Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.』
The name “Eve” means “life.”
Eve was called “the mother of all the living.”
God’s intent in creating Adam was to reveal the Second Coming Jesus, our heavenly Father, and Eve was created to reveal the Second Coming Jesus’ wife, our heavenly Mother.
In other words, just as Eve was called “the mother of all the living,” we can only be given eternal life through our heavenly Mother.
Eve represents our heavenly Mother.

“I Will Raise Him Up at the Last Day”Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, repeatedly, that He would wait until the last day to raise up all of the people who came to Him (John 6:39, 40, 44. 54).
Why did Jesus need to wait until the last day to save His people?
What was He waiting for?

The account of the six-day Creation?in the book of Genesis, chapter one?represents the spiritual Creation which would take place over six thousand years.
Just as the six-day Creation ended after Eve had appeared, so would the six-thousand year spiritual Creation end with the appearance of our spiritual Mother.
Jesus could have given His people life during His first coming; however, Jesus waited for the appearance of the heavenly Mother because life would be given through Her.

The Wedding of the Lamb

Let’s study some of the testimonies about Mother written in the book of Revelation.

Rev. 19:7 『Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.』
The book of Revelation was written after Jesus had ascended, and it prophesied about the things that were to happen in the last days.
Thus, “the Lamb” mentioned in the above verse indicates the Second Coming Jesus: Ahnsahnghong.

When Jesus came to the earth for the first time, two thousand years ago, His wife was not yet ready
. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb, would appear in the last days.
In the book of Revelation, chapter 21, the Bride?the wife of the Lamb?is described as “Jerusalem.”

Rev. 21:9-10 『...One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he...showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.』

Apostle Paul testified that this Holy City, Jerusalem, which would come down out of heaven, is our Mother.

Gal. 4:26 『But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.』

Children of the Free WomanApostle Paul testified that we are the children of promise, the children of the free woman, because we have been given the promise of eternal life from our heavenly Mother.

Gal. 4:28 『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』

Gal. 4:31 『Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.』
If we are the children of the free woman, what should we call Her?
We should call Her our “Mother.” We cannot have eternal life unless we receive the heavenly Mother.
Eternal life, which God has promised us, is given through the heavenly Mother.
In this last age, we need our Jerusalem Mother who has been established by Christ Ahnsahnghong?the Second Coming Jesus.

Let us believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and in Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, so that we can receive eternal life.

2010년 2월 1일 월요일

Elohim God

Elohim will appear in Their own time

God promised that He would appear according to His own timing (1 Tim. 6:15). Let us confirm what form He will appear in.

Rev. 22:17 『The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.』

For our salvation, God always referred to Himself as "us," and then Elohim God appeared-as the Holy Spirit and the Bride-to give us the water of life. In the first book of Timothy, it is written that God alone is immortal and lives in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16). Thus, only the Spirit and the Bride-the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong, and the New Jerusalem Mother-are immortal and only They have life.

Nevertheless, some people boast that they, also, have the power to give life. The people who make such assumptions are greatly mistaken. The Bible says that no one can have life until he or she eats the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks His blood (John 6:53), and Jesus said, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead" (Matt. 8:22).

Mere human beings, such as ourselves, cannot say that we are alive.There is no life in us, so we must go to God-Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother-if we want to receive eternal life and salvation, because They are the only ones who have life. In order to give the everlasting water of life to mortal beings, God came down to this earth in this last age as the Holy Spirit, Ahnsahnghong, and the Bride, the New Jerusalem Mother.

People who pervert or deny this Biblical teaching will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

2010년 1월 28일 목요일

Elohim God (in the book of Jeremiah)

The word "Elohim" directly translates to "Gods." The Bible testifies that God exists in the female image, God the Mother, as well as the male image, God the Father.World Mission Society Church of God has received Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Father, and the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother.When people hear the word "God," most immediately think of "God the Father," holding to the fixed idea that only God the Father exists; however, the Bible clearly testifies that there is a God the Mother in addition to a God the Father. We sincerely hope that you can break your fixed, man-made ideas so that you can receive the true Saviors: Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.Then, let us discover why the members of the Church of God accept Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother as their Elohim God.

Elohim God revealed in the book of Jeremiah

In the book of Jeremiah we can also find references to Elohim God.

Jer. 31:22 『…The LORD will create a new thing on earth-a woman will surround a man.』
God said that He would create a new thing: a woman would surround a man. Spiritually, this verse has a very profound meaning. The woman, Eve, had once been inside the man. If God had not made the woman with the ribs He had taken out of the man, how could the woman have been able to surround the man? The new thing, that God said He would bring to the earth, would be the revealing of Mother, who has been within God the Father since the beginning. The new thing would be created at the time God established the new covenant.

Jer. 31:31-34 『"The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah…"I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest."』
In the Hebrew Bible, the word "God" is actually written as "Elohim"-"I will be their God [Elohim]." "Elohim" is the plural form of the word "Eloha," meaning a singular God. Therefore, "Elohim" means "Gods," plural. Once we can understand the concept of Elohim God through the new covenant, we no longer need men to teach us to know God, because we will all know God, from the least of us to the greatest. In the truth of the new covenant, we can only become the children of God when we have God the Father and God the Mother, our Elohim God.When Elohim God created male and female, They said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." When Elohim God punished the evil acts of God's people, They said, "Let us go down." When the Gods called to Isaiah, They said, "Who will go for us?"
Throughout the Bible, God has existed as the male God and the female God: Elohim.

Let me be on God's side

This happened about 150 years ago when the Civil War was getting fierce in America.

At that time, Abraham Lincoln, who had advocated emanipation of slaves, presided over the North(the Union), confronting the South (the Comfederacy). But he couldn't easily subdue the Confederates commanded by Clolnel Robert E. Lee. Rather, the Umionist were fiercely attacked by them.

It grieved Lincoln to see soldiers die, and he realized keenly that the war would not end by man's power and prayed to God more than three hours a day.
Then his officials, seeing the president pray earnestly, told him that they would also pray God to be on their side. With a straight face, however, Lincoln said no, asking them not to pray that way. The officials, who had expected the president to say yes, became confused. So they asked him how to pray, and he said:
"Do not pray God to be 'on our side.' but to let us be 'on His side."

I pray that
I look at God from God's viewpoint and
love and follow God,
not from my own standpoint.

............ Thank Elohim God for being on your side....

2010년 1월 25일 월요일

I wish...

I love the word of Elohim. So I really want to know the meaning of this word in the world.
I'm so weak. but I will write about Elohim in the Elohim God.
I want that
all people live with the Elohim
stay in the Elohim
receive the love of Elohim God forever and ever.

I wish and dream them.