2010년 1월 28일 목요일

Let me be on God's side

This happened about 150 years ago when the Civil War was getting fierce in America.

At that time, Abraham Lincoln, who had advocated emanipation of slaves, presided over the North(the Union), confronting the South (the Comfederacy). But he couldn't easily subdue the Confederates commanded by Clolnel Robert E. Lee. Rather, the Umionist were fiercely attacked by them.

It grieved Lincoln to see soldiers die, and he realized keenly that the war would not end by man's power and prayed to God more than three hours a day.
Then his officials, seeing the president pray earnestly, told him that they would also pray God to be on their side. With a straight face, however, Lincoln said no, asking them not to pray that way. The officials, who had expected the president to say yes, became confused. So they asked him how to pray, and he said:
"Do not pray God to be 'on our side.' but to let us be 'on His side."

I pray that
I look at God from God's viewpoint and
love and follow God,
not from my own standpoint.

............ Thank Elohim God for being on your side....

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